

St Mary's Court
St Mary's Court
  • Connexions amb clubs d'Irlanda i Catalunya d'alt nivell.
  • Accès a entrenadors d'origen Irlandes i parla anglesa.
  • Connexions amb entrenadors de primer nivell Estatal.
  • L'equip de treball LBA el formen persones amb amplia experiència de formació basquetbolística.
  • La pedagogia i la salut, al servei dels processos d'innovació.
  • Èmfasi en les emocions dels jugadors/es.
  • Experiència en organització d'esdeveniments esportius. 

  • We have a very good networking in Irish and Spanish basketball
  • Acces to top Irish and English speakers coaches. 
  • Connections with top level Spanish coaches 
  • LBA members have a long experience teaching and practicing baskeball 
  • We care of health and physiology. We like innovation applied to these terms.
  • For us emotions are key in basketball and people developement. 
  • Experience organizing and promoting basketball events

Who are we?

Qui som?


Entrenadors/ Coaches


Estem molt contents d'anunciar que Dr. Tim Rice serà un dels entrenadors principals del Galway Camp&Experience d'aquest estiu 2017. 
Tim Rice és un entrenador de USA, amb experiència a NCAAI,NCAAIII,NAIA,NCCAA, així com entrenador principal de "College" baskeball a Denver durant 5 anys. 
Tim és i ha estat un entrenador professional a nivell USA, així com un any a Irlanda, on va treballar pel col.legi St.Mary's School, on es desenvoluparà el campus, ajudant a crèixer tota la organització basquetbolística de l'escola i entrenant equips de base. 
Tim està també col.laborant amb Basketball Ireland en diferents equips que competiran a l'Europeu aquest estiu. 
Benvingut Tim! 

We are very proud to announce that Dr.Tim Rice will be one of the staff coaches of the Galway Camp&Experience this July 2017.

Tim Rice has been in higher education and coaching for over 20 years. He also has international coaching experience in Ireland. He has served in coaching and administrative roles at the NCAA Division I and III levels, NAIA and NCCAA levels, and at the high school level during his career. He has served as a head collegiate coach in basketball, cross country, golf, and soccer during this time, as well as serving in the roles of Sports Information Director and Athletic Director. Many of Rice's former student-athletes have gone on to become sport coaches and administrators. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from the University of Mobile, a Master of Sport Science degree in Sport Management from the United States Sports Academy, and a Doctor of Sports Management degree in Sport Management/Human Resource Management from the United States Sports Academy.

He was a three-time NAIA All-District performer in cross country during his time at Mobile, leading his teams to three GCAC titles and three appearances in the NAIA National Cross Country meet. Additionally, he served as a student assistant basketball coach during his college years and was mentored by an NAIA Hall of Fame coach, Dr. Bill Elder.

Rice is married to his wife of nearly 21 years, Candy, and they reside in Lakeway, Texas. Rice serves as a full-time online professor in sport management and sport psychology. He teaches at six colleges and universities across the country, including locally at Concordia University Texas.

He was a head college basketball coach for five seasons and also has two years of NCAA Division I experience at the University of Denver, where he assisted Erik Johnson, the current head women's basketball coach at Boston College. He has coached numerous All-American, All-Region, and All-Conference athletes during his career. Fundamentals, hard work, and attention to detail have been key elements to the success of Coach Rice's previous teams.

Rice owns Basketball Mentoring, an organization that helps mentor basketball coaches at all levels across the United States and Ireland. Recently, Rice consulted in the Republic of Ireland for seven months, leading his St. Mary's College Galway team to the Under 15 national title game. He also currently serves as a technical Consultant for Basketball Ireland, the FIBA governing body for basketball in the country. He also currently works closely with the Irish Under 16 girls' basketball team which will play in the FIBA European Championships in August 2016.



Ens agradaria presentar a Michelle Fahy, serà una de les nostres entrenadores en el Campus.

Va jugar 4 anys al institut Lona College de Nova York. Es va dedicar professionalment al Bàsquet a Suïssa. Ella va guanyar 3 copes naciponals i 4 lligues amb Glanmire. També va guanyar 2 copes i 3 lligues amb Limerick (Irlanda) i va guanyar la Divisio 1 amb Nuig Mystics. Per últim, ha guanyat la copa intermitja amb Maree Basketball. Ha representat la selecció Irlandesa en tots els nivells i ha estat capitana del Senior Femení d'Irlanda.

We want to introduce you Michelle Fahy, she will be one of our camp coaches. 
She played 4 year scholarship to Lona College in New York. She played professional in Switzerland. She won three national cups and 4 leagues with Glanmire. She won 2 Cups and 3 leagues with university Limerick. She won division 1 with Nuig Mystics . She won a intermediate cup with Maree Basketball Represented Ireland at all levels and was the captain of the national women's team. 

Joan Isart

- 19 anys d'experiencia com a entrenador.
- 2 anys com ajudant en la lliga EBA
- 4 anys primer entrenador del CB Igualada a Copa Catalunya i 1 a 1a Catalana.
- Experiencia en equips de preferent com CB Olesa i Força Lleida
- Delegat del S. XXI durant 1 temporada.
- Ha realitzat diversos clínics repartits per Catalunya.
- Entrenador sénior de CB Alpicat
- Campió Copa Federació amb CB Igualada.
- Coordinador de la Base del Força Lleida
- Experiencia en campus de primer nivell a nivell Català i Espanyol.
- Entrenador nivell superior
- Actualment entrenador CB Igualada a 1a Catalana.
- Actualment entrenador selecció sud en la Federació de Lleida sub 12


His biography as follows:
- 19 years coaching experience.
- 2 years of assistant coach of EBA league.
- 4 years as head coach in CB Igualada (Copa Catalunayt - First Catalan National League and 1a Catalana - Second Catalan National League)
- Coaching experience with top Catalan clubs such CB Olesa and Força Lleida
- Coaching staff of S.XXI Basketball club during one year.
- He has done various Clinics for different clubs and basketball institutions in Catalonia.
- Head coach of C.B. Alpicat
- Copa Federació champion with C.B. Igualada
- Technical Director of Força Lleida youth teams.
- Experience in various camps at national and international level.
- Spanish top level coach certificate.
- Currently, Head coach of C.B. Igualada (1a Catalana)
- Currently head coach of Lleida Region U12 selection team.


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